Vision and Mission, History


Mission Statement

The mission of Liberty School is to prepare children academically and socially to function responsibly in society and to envision and achieve their goals in life.

Welcome to Liberty School,

Liberty School, serving 219 pre-kindergarten through sixth grade students, is nestled in the rural, dairy ranching area of Petaluma, fifty miles north of San Francisco in Sonoma County. Founded in 1857, Liberty School is the oldest school in continuous operation at the same site, in Sonoma County. Many families have been attending Liberty School for generations.

More than just a school, Liberty is the hub of the community, where families meet neighbors and build relationships. The life of the school reflects that feeling of warmth and family, from the first day of school when the staff and parents open car doors to greet arriving students. This feeling of community is continued through yearly traditions such as the Veterans' Day program honoring our local heroes, Family Fun Night where families come for dinner, ice cream social, and a movie, a school-wide reading incentive program, the annual upper grade overnight where students act as the crew on the tall ship Balclutha, scheduled cleanup times enabling students to take turns contributing to the care of their school environment, the sixth grade learning service project, and the Nifty Kid assemblies where students are honored and recognized for authentic growth and achievement. These special events provide important landmarks in the development of each student, lifting life at Liberty above the bells and schedules, making it a thriving and unique place to learn.

Liberty School has one specific goal: for each student to reach his or her highest potential as one individual in a community of learners. We take our goal seriously, understanding that basic skills in reading, math, and writing are essential to success. We also recognize the importance of life skills, respect, and humor to successful living. The high expectations of Liberty's principal, staff, Board, parents and community have resulted in a school environment that is safe and caring, yet challenging and always productive. Liberty's excellent reputation has generated a student enrollment with over 40% inter-district transfers and ongoing requests in many grades.

The Liberty staff work as a close-knit team always focused on "what is best for kids", working to create an educational program that not only meets the needs of all students, but also raises students' levels of accomplishments beyond all expectations. The high level of parental involvement adds an essential finishing touch to our successful program at Liberty as the whole community joins the hardworking and dedicated staff to ensure our children are safe, fulfilled, and well prepared for the future.

Best Wishes,

Christopher Rafanelli



Liberty School District in 1906

Liberty School, serving 219 pre-kindergarten through sixth grade students, is nestled in the rural, dairy ranching area of Petaluma, fifty miles north of San Francisco in Sonoma County. Founded in 1857, Liberty School is the oldest school in continuous operation at the same site, with the same name, in Sonoma County. Many families have been attending Liberty School for generations.